Okra Water can Treat Diabetes Cholesterol And Kidney Diseases

The other name of okra is lady’s finger, and it’s usually known by lady’s finger only, but this vegetable comes with thousands of health benefits. The word okra is pronounced differently in different parts of the world.
This incredible plant comes along with many essential nutrients. For an approx measurement, A glass of okra has:
- 2 grams Of Protein
- 21 milligrams of vitamin c
- 30 calories
- 80 micrograms of FOLATE
- 60 milligrams of magnesium
- 3 grams of dietary fiber.
- 0.1 grams of fat and
- 7.6 grams of carbohydrates.
What makes okra unique is that it can be used to consume throughout the year and various ways possible to consume it. Okra can be fried, boiled, stewed, or even pickled.
There are multiple benefits of using okra, and some of them are listed below:
Ingredients required
- 4 raw okras
- One cup of water.
Simple steps
- First of all, cut the heads and tails of the okras and keep them in the water.
- Leave them overnight.
In the morning, consume the water from the okras empty stomach just 30 minutes before breakfast.
Use this drink for a week and see positive results
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