How to Prepare Turmeric Tea and How to Consume it


  • Take a pan and add 1 ½ cup of water and let it come to boil.
  • Add one teaspoon of turmeric, it can be freshly grated or in powdered form.
  • Let it boil for 10 minutes and off the flame and add some freshly grated ginger or honey both are optional.
  • Now add some black pepper powder and mix well.
  • Sieve it into a cup and drink slowly once in a day.
  • Add this healthy beverage in your diet and always drink it fresh never store this into the fridge.
  • The best season to drink turmeric tea is in winter. You can also have this in summers but don’t add ginger.    

Drink turmeric tea after your lunch or before lunch and do not eat anything for half an hour after drinking this.


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